Tom Kha Gai (Thai Chicken Coconut Soup)

Tom Kha Gai (Chicken Coconut Soup)

Serves 6



  • 1–1” piece ginger, peeled
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 6 cups low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1½ lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into thin pieces
  • 8 oz. shiitake mushrooms (stemmed and caps cut into small pieces)
  • 1–13.5-oz. can coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp. fish sauce
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 2 stalks fresh lemongrass, tough outer layers removed
  • fresh cilantro leaves and lime wedges (optional)




  1. Using the back of a knife, lightly smash lemongrass and ginger; cut lemongrass into 4” pieces.
  2. Bring lemongrass, ginger, lime leaves, and broth to a boil in a large saucepan. Reduce the heat and simmer until the flavors are melded for 8–10 minutes. Then, strain the broth into the saucepan.
  3. Add the chicken and return to a boil. Reduce the heat, add mushrooms, and cook for an additional 20-25 minutes.
  4. When the chicken is cooked and the mushrooms are soft, slowly mix in the coconut milk, fish sauce, and sugar.
  5. Finally, when serving garnish with fresh cilantro and lime wedges. Yum!

2 Comment

  1. I will definitely try out this recipe. Sounds delicious. I love Thai food.

    1. Thank you so much Deshini!

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